

    Explains how to use a switch to handle multiple If statements.

    You use an If statement to make a decision in a script or program.
    Essentially, it says; “If this condition exists, perform this action.
    Otherwise do that action.” You can perform that operation as many
    times as you want, but if you have a long list of conditions, an If
    statement becomes unwieldy. You can combine a long list of conditions
    in a switch statement. As in all branching statements, braces ({})
    must enclose script blocks.

    A Switch statement is, in effect, a series of If statements. It matches
    the expression with each of the conditions case by case. If a match
    is found, the action associated with that condition is performed. A
    basic switch statement takes the following form:

        PS> $a = 3
        PS> switch ($a) {
            1 {“It is one.”}
            2 {“It is two.”}
            3 {“It is three.”}
            4 {“It is four.”}

        It is three.

    This simple example takes a value and compares it with each condition
    in the list. The action echoes a string from the match. But, you
    could have a problem if you check all of the conditions.
    For example:

        PS> $day = “day5”
        PS> switch ($day){
            day1 {“Monday”; break}
            day2 {“Tuesday”; break}
            day3 {“Wednesday”; break}
            day4 {“Thursday”; break}
            day5 {“Friday”; break}
            day6 {“Saturday”; break}
            day7 {“Sunday”; break}
            day5 {“Too many days”; break}


    There are two day5 conditions in the list. But, the break at the end of
    each condition tells the switch to stop looking further and to perform
    the action it finds. If the break statements were not there, both
    day5 actions would be performed.

    If the value to switch against is an array, then each element in the
    array will be evaluated in order, starting at element 0 (zero). At least
    one element must be present that meets at least one condition; otherwise,
    an error will result. If there is more than one default clause, an
    error will result.

    The complete switch syntax is as follows:

        switch [-regex|-wildcard|-exact][-casesensitive] ( pipeline )


        switch [-regex|-wildcard|-exact][-casesensitive] -file filename

    followed by

            “string”|number|variable|{ expression } { statementlist }
            default { statementlist }

    By default, if no parameters are used, Switch behaves as if a case-
    insensitive exact match is in effect. If “pipeline” results in an
    array, each element of the array will be evaluated in ascending offset
    order (starting at 0 [zero]).

    At least one conditional element must be present in the Switch
    codeblock, and only one default clause can be present. If more than
    one default clause is present, a ParseException will be thrown.

    Switch has the following parameters:

        Regex            Indicates that the match clause, if it is a string, is
                        treated as a regex string. Use of this parameter
                        disables Wildcard and Exact. If the match clause is not
                        a string, this parameter is ignored.

        Wildcard    Indicates that the match clause, if it is a string, is
                        treated as a wildcard string. Use of this
                        parameter disables Regex and Exact. If the match clause
                        is not a string, this parameter is ignored.

        Exact            Indicates that the match clause, if it is a string, must
                        match exactly. Use of this parameter disables
                        Wildcard and Regex. If the match clause is not a
                        string, this parameter is ignored.

        CaseSensitive    Modifies the match clause, if it is a string, to be
                        case-sensitive. If the match clause is not a string,
                        this parameter is ignored.

        File            Takes input from a file (or representative) rather
                        than a statement. If multiple File parameters are
                        used, the last one is used. Each line of the
                        file is read and passed through the switch block.

    Multiple uses of Regex, Wildcard, or Exact are allowed. However, only
    the last parameter used governs the behavior.

    The Break keyword indicates that no more processing will occur and
    that the Switch statement will exit.

    The Continue keyword indicates that no processing will continue
    against the current token and that the next token in the conditional will
    be evaluated. If no tokens are available, the Switch statement will

    The “{ expression }” block may be a code block that will be evaluated
    at the time of the comparison. The current object is bound to
    the $_ automatic Variable and is available during the evaluation of
    the expression. A comparison is considered a match if the expression
    evaluates to “True”. This expression is evaluated in a new scope.

    The “Default” keyword within the switch statement indicates that if
    no matches are found, the code block that follows the keyword will
    be evaluated. Program flow will not be allowed from block to
    block because the closing brace ( } ) in the compound list is an explicit

    If multiple matches are found, each match results in the
    expression being executed. To avoid this, the Break or Continue
    keywords can be used to halt further comparisons.
