Category Archives: Service



    Stops one or more running services.

    Stop-Service [-Name] <string[]> [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Force] [-Include <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    Stop-Service -DisplayName <string[]> [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Force] [-Include <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    Stop-Service [-InputObject <ServiceController[]>] [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Force] [-Include <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    The Stop-Service cmdlet sends a stop message to the Windows Service Controller for each of the specified services. You can specify the services by their service names or display names, or you can use the InputObject parameter to pass a service object representing the services that you want to stop.

    -DisplayName <string[]>
        Specifies the display names of the services to be stopped. Wildcards are permitted.

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Exclude <string[]>
        Omits the specified services. The value of this parameter qualifies the Name parameter. Enter a name element or pattern, such as “s*”. Wildcards are permitted.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Force [<SwitchParameter>]
        Allows the cmdlet to stop a service even if that service has dependent services.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Include <string[]>
        Stops only the specified services. The value of this parameter qualifies the Name parameter. Enter a name element or pattern, such as “s*”. Wildcards are permitted.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -InputObject <ServiceController[]>
        Specifies ServiceController objects representing the services to be stopped. Enter a Variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     true (ByValue)
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Name <string[]>
        Specifies the service names of the services to be stopped. Wildcards are permitted.

        The parameter name is optional. You can use “Name” or its Alias, “ServiceName”, or you can omit the parameter name.

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    1
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -PassThru [<SwitchParameter>]
        Returns an object representing the service. By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]
        Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]
        Describes what would happen if you executed the command without actually executing the command.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
        OutBuffer and OutVariable. For more information, type,
        “Get-Help about_CommonParameters“.

    System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController or System.String
        You can pipe a service object or a string that contains the name of a service to Stop-Service.

    None or System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController
        When you use the PassThru parameter, Stop-Service generates a System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController object representing the service. Otherwise, this cmdlet does not generate any output.


        You can also refer to Stop-Service by its built-in Alias, “spsv”. For more information, see about_aliases.

        Stop-Service can control services only when the current user has permission to do so. If a command does not work correctly, you might not have the required permissions.

        To find the service names and display names of the services on your system, type “Get-Service“. The service names appear in the Name column and the display names appear in the DisplayName column.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 1 ————————–

    C:\PS>Stop-Service sysmonlog

    This command stops the Performance Logs and Alerts (SysmonLog) service on the local computer.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 2 ————————–

    C:\PS>Get-Service -displayname telnet | Stop-Service

    This command stops the Telnet service on the local computer. The command uses the Get-Service cmdlet to get an object representing the Telnet service. The pipeline operator (|) pipes the object to the Stop-Service cmdlet, which stops the service.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 3 ————————–

    C:\PS>Get-Service iisadmin | Format-List -property name, dependentservices

    C:PS>Stop-Service iisadmin -Force -Confirm

    The Stop-Service command stops the IISAdmin service on the local computer. Because stopping this service also stops the services that depend on the IISAdmin service, it is best to precede the Stop-Service command with a command that lists the services that depend on the IISAdmin service.

    The first command lists the services that depend on IISAdmin. It uses the Get-Service cmdlet to get an object representing the IISAdmin service. The pipeline operator (|) passes the result to the Format-List cmdlet. The command uses the Property parameter of Format-List to list only the Name and DependentServices properties of the service.

    The second command stops the IISAdmin service. The Force parameter is required to stop a service that has dependent services. The command uses the Confirm parameter to request confirmation from the user before stopping each service.

    Online version:



    Suspends (pauses) one or more running services.

    Suspend-Service [-Name] <string[]> [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Include <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    Suspend-Service -DisplayName <string[]> [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Include <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    Suspend-Service [-InputObject <ServiceController[]>] [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Include <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    The Suspend-Service cmdlet sends a suspend message to the Windows Service Controller for each of the specified services. While suspended, the service is still running, but its action is halted until resumed, such as by using Resume-Service. You can specify the services by their service names or display names, or you can use the InputObject parameter to pass a service object representing the services that you want to suspend.

    -DisplayName <string[]>
        Specifies the display names of the services to be suspended. Wildcards are permitted.

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Exclude <string[]>
        Omits the specified services. The value of this parameter qualifies the Name parameter. Enter a name element or pattern, such as “s*”. Wildcards are permitted.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Include <string[]>
        Suspends only the specified services. The value of this parameter qualifies the Name parameter. Enter a name element or pattern, such as “s*”. Wildcards are permitted.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -InputObject <ServiceController[]>
        Specifies ServiceController objects representing the services to be suspended. Enter a Variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     true (ByValue)
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Name <string[]>
        Specifies the service names of the services to be suspended. Wildcards are permitted.

        The parameter name is optional. You can use “Name” or its Alias, “ServiceName”, or you can omit the parameter name.

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    1
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -PassThru [<SwitchParameter>]
        Returns an object representing the service. By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]
        Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]
        Describes what would happen if you executed the command without actually executing the command.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
        OutBuffer and OutVariable. For more information, type,
        “Get-Help about_CommonParameters“.

    System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController or System.String
        You can pipe a service object or a string that contains a service name to Suspend-Service.

    None or System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController
        When you use the PassThru parameter, Suspend-Service generates a System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController object representing the service. Otherwise, this cmdlet does not generate any output.


        Suspend-Service can control services only when the current user has permission to do so. If a command does not work correctly, you might not have the required permissions.

        Also, Suspend-Service can suspend only services that support being suspended and resumed. To determine whether a particular service can be suspended, use the Get-Service cmdlet with the CanPauseAndContinue property. For example, “Get-Service wmi | Format-List name, canpauseandcontinue”. To find all services on the computer that can be suspended, type “Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.canpauseandcontinue -eq “True”}”.

        To find the service names and display names of the services on your system, type “Get-Service“. The service names appear in the Name column, and the display names appear in the DisplayName column.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 1 ————————–

    C:\PS>Suspend-Service -displayname “Telnet”

    This command suspends the Telnet service (Tlntsvr) service on the local computer.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 2 ————————–

    C:\PS>Suspend-Service -Name lanman* -WhatIf

    This command tells what would happen if you suspended the services that have a service name that begins with “lanman”. To suspend the services, rerun the command without the WhatIf parameter.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 3 ————————–

    C:\PS>Get-Service schedule | Suspend-Service

    This command uses the Get-Service cmdlet to get an object that represents the Task Scheduler (Schedule) service on the computer. The pipeline operator (|) passes the result to the Suspend-Service cmdlet, which suspends the service.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 4 ————————–

    C:\PS>Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.canpauseandcontinue -eq “True”} | Suspend-Service -Confirm

    This command suspends all of the services on the computer that can be suspended. It uses the Get-Service cmdlet to get objects representing the services on the computer. The pipeline operator (|) passes the results to the Where-Object cmdlet, which selects only the services that have a value of “True” for the CanPauseAndContinue property. Another pipeline operator passes the results to the Suspend-Service cmdlet. The Confirm parameter prompts you for confirmation before suspending each of the services.

    Online version:



    Starts one or more stopped services.

    Start-Service [-Name] <string[]> [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Include <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    Start-Service -DisplayName <string[]> [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Include <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    Start-Service [-InputObject <ServiceController[]>] [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Include <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    The Start-Service cmdlet sends a start message to the Windows Service Controller for each of the specified services. If a service is already running, the message is ignored without error. You can specify the services by their service names or display names, or you can use the InputObject parameter to supply a service object representing the services that you want to start.

    -DisplayName <string[]>
        Specifies the display names of the services to be started. Wildcards are permitted.

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Exclude <string[]>
        Omits the specified services. The value of this parameter qualifies the Name parameter. Enter a name element or pattern, such as “s*”. Wildcards are permitted.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Include <string[]>
        Starts only the specified services. The value of this parameter qualifies the Name parameter. Enter a name element or pattern, such as “s*”. Wildcards are permitted.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -InputObject <ServiceController[]>
        Specifies ServiceController objects representing the services to be started. Enter a Variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     true (ByValue)
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Name <string[]>
        Specifies the service names for the service to be started.

        The parameter name is optional. You can use “-Name” or its Alias, “-ServiceName”, or you can omit the parameter name.

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    1
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -PassThru [<SwitchParameter>]
        Returns an object representing the service. By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]
        Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]
        Describes what would happen if you executed the command without actually executing the command.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
        OutBuffer and OutVariable. For more information, type,
        “Get-Help about_CommonParameters“.

    System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController, System.String
        You can pipe objects that represent the services or strings that contain the service names to Start-Service.

    None or System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController
        When you use the PassThru parameter, Start-Service generates a System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController object representing the service. Otherwise, this cmdlet does not generate any output.


        You can also refer to Start-Service by its built-in Alias, “sasv”. For more information, see about_aliases.

        Start-Service can control services only when the current user has permission to do so. If a command does not work correctly, you might not have the required permissions.

        To find the service names and display names of the services on your system, type “Get-Service“. The service names appear in the Name column, and the display names appear in the DisplayName column.

        You can start only the services that have a start type of “Manual” or “Automatic”. You cannot start the services with a start type of “Disabled”. If a Start-Service command fails with the message “Cannot start service <service-Name> on computer,” use a Get-WmiObject command to find the start type of the service and, if necessary, use a Set-Service command to change the start type of the service.

        Some services, such as Performance Logs and Alerts (SysmonLog) stop automatically if they have no work to do. When Windows PowerShell starts a service that stops itself almost immediately, it displays the following message: “Service <display-Name> start failed.”

    ————————– EXAMPLE 1 ————————–

    C:\PS>Start-Service -Name eventlog

    This command starts the EventLog service on the local computer. It uses the Name parameter to identify the service by its service name.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 2 ————————–

    C:\PS>Start-Service -displayname *remote* -WhatIf

    This command tells what would happen if you started the services with a display name that includes “remote”. It uses the DisplayName parameter to specify the services by their display name instead of by their service name. And, it uses the WhatIf parameter to tell what would happen if the command were executed instead of executing the command.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 3 ————————–

    C:\PS>$s = Get-Service wmi

    C:\PS>Start-Service -InputObject $s -PassThru | Format-List >> services.txt

    These commands start the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service on the computer and add a record of the action to the services.txt file. The first command uses the Get-Service cmdlet to get an object representing the WMI service and store it in the $s Variable.

    The second command uses the Start-Service cmdlet to start the WMI service. It identifies the service by using the InputObject parameter to pass the $s Variable containing the WMI service object to Start-Service. Then, it uses the PassThru parameter to create an object that represents the starting of the service. Without this parameter, Start-Service does not create any output.

    The pipeline operator (|) passes the object that Start-Service creates to the Format-List cmdlet, which formats the object as a list of its properties. The append redirection operator (>>) redirects the output to the services.txt file, where it is added to the end of the existing file.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 4 ————————–

    C:\PS># Start-Service

    This series of commands shows how to start a service when the start type of the service is “Disabled”. The first command, which uses the Start-Service cmdlet to start the Telnet service (tlntsvr), fails.

    C:\PS>Start-Service tlntsvr

    Start-Service : Service ‘Telnet (TlntSvr)’ cannot be started due to the    following error: Cannot start service TlntSvr on computer ‘.’.
    At line:1 char:14
    + Start-Service <<<< tlntsvr

    The second command uses the Get-WmiObject cmdlet to get the Tlntsvr service. This command retrieves an object with the start type property in the StartMode field. The resulting display reveals that the start type of the Tlntsvr service is “Disabled”.

    C:\PS> Get-WmiObject win32_service | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq “tlntsvr”}

    ExitCode : 0
    Name     : TlntSvr
    ProcessId : 0
    StartMode : Disabled
    State     : Stopped
    Status    : OK

    The next command uses the Set-Service cmdlet to change the start type of the Tlntsvr service to “Manual”.

    C:\PS> Set-Service tlntsvr -startuptype manual

    Now, we can resubmit the Start-Service command. This time, the command succeeds.

    C:\PS> Start-Service tlntsvr

    To verify that the command succeeded, use Get-Service.

    Online version:



    Starts, stops, and suspends a service, and changes its properties.

    Set-Service [-Name] <string> [-Description <string>] [-DisplayName <string>] [-PassThru] [-StartupType {Automatic | Manual | Disabled}] [-Status <string>] [-ComputerName <string[]>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    Set-Service [-Description <string>] [-DisplayName <string>] [-InputObject <ServiceController>] [-PassThru] [-StartupType {Automatic | Manual | Disabled}] [-Status <string>] [-ComputerName <string[]>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    The Set-Service cmdlet changes the properties of a local or remote service, including the status, description, display name, and start mode. You can use this cmdlet to start, stop, or suspend (pause) a service. To identify the service, enter its service name or submit a service object, or pipe a service name or service object to Set-Service.

    -ComputerName <string[]>
        Specifies one or more computers. The default is the local computer.

        Type the NetBIOS name, an IP address, or a fully qualified domain name of a remote computer. To specify the local computer, type the computer name, a dot (.), or “localhost”.

        This parameter does not rely on Windows PowerShell remoting. You can use the ComputerName parameter of Set-Service even if your computer is not configured to run remote commands.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                local computer
        Accept pipeline input?     true (ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Description <string>
        Specifies a new description for the service.

        The service description appears in Services in Computer Management. Description is not a property of the ServiceController object that Get-Service gets. To see the service description, use Get-WmiObject to get a Win32_Service object that represents the service.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -DisplayName <string>
        Specifies a new display name for the service.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -InputObject <ServiceController>
        Specifies a ServiceController object that represents the service to be changed. Enter a Variable that contains the object, or type a command or expression that gets the object, such as a Get-Service command. You can also pipe a service object to Set-Service.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     true (ByValue)
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Name <string>
        Specifies the service name of the service to be changed. Wildcards are not permitted. You can also pipe a service name to Set-Service.

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    1
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -PassThru [<SwitchParameter>]
        Returns objects that represent the services that were changed. By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -StartupType <ServiceStartMode>
        Changes the start mode of the service. Valid values for StartupType are:

        — Automatic: Start when the system starts.
        — Manual: Starts only when started by a user or program.
        — Disabled: Cannot be started.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Status <string>
        Starts, stops, or suspends (pauses) the services. Valid values are:

        — Running: Starts the service.
        — Stopped: Stops the service.
        — Paused: Suspends the service.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]
        Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]
        Describes what would happen if you executed the command without actually executing the command.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
        OutBuffer and OutVariable. For more information, type,
        “Get-Help about_CommonParameters“.

    System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController, System.String
        You can pipe a service object or a string that contains a service name to Set-Service.

        This cmdlet does not return any objects.


        To use Set-Service on Windows Vista and later versions of Windows, start Windows PowerShell with the “Run as administrator” option.

        Set-Service can control services only when the current user has permission to do so. If a command does not work correctly, you might not have the required permissions.

        To find the service names and display names of the services on your system, type “Get-Service“. The service names appear in the Name column and the display names appear in the DisplayName column.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 1 ————————–

    C:\PS>Set-Service -Name lanmanworkstation -DisplayName “LanMan Workstation”

    This command changes the display name of the lanmanworkstation service to “LanMan Workstation”. (The default is “Workstation”.)

    ————————– EXAMPLE 2 ————————–

    C:\PS>Get-WmiObject win32_service -filter “name = ‘SysmonLog'”

    ExitCode : 0
    Name     : SysmonLog
    ProcessId : 0
    StartMode : Manual
    State     : Stopped
    Status    : OK

    C:\PS> Set-Service sysmonlog -StartupType automatic

    C:\PS> Get-WmiObject win32_service -filter “name = ‘SysmonLog'”

    ExitCode : 0
    Name     : SysmonLog
    ProcessId : 0
    StartMode : Auto
    State     : Stopped
    Status    : OK

    C:\PS> Get-WmiObject win32_service | Format-Table Name, StartMode -auto

    Name                                 StartMode
    —-                                 ———
    AdtAgent                             Auto
    Alerter                             Disabled
    ALG                                 Manual
    AppMgmt                             Manual

    These commands get the startup type of the Performance Logs and Alerts (SysmonLog) service, set the start mode to automatic, and then display the result of the change.

    These commands use the Get-WmiObject cmdlet to get the Win32_Service object for the service, because the ServiceController object that Get-Service returns does not include the start mode.

    The first command uses the Get-WmiObject cmdlet to get the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) object that represents the SysmonLog service. The default output of this command displays the start mode of the service.

    The second command uses Set-Service to change the start mode to automatic. Then, the first command is repeated to display the change.

    The final command displays the start mode of all services on the computer.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 3 ————————–

    C:\PS>Set-Service -Name Schedule -ComputerName S1 -Description “Configures and schedules tasks.”

    C:\PS> Get-WmiObject win32_service -ComputerName s1 | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq “Schedule”} | Format-List Name, Description

    These commands change the description of the Task Scheduler service on the S1 remote computer and then display the result.

    These commands use the Get-WmiObject cmdlet to get the Win32_Service object for the service, because the ServiceController object that Get-Service returns does not include the service description.

    The first command uses a Set-Service command to change the description. It identifies the service by using the service name of the service, “Schedule”.

    The second command uses the Get-WmiObject cmdlet to get an instance of the WMI Win32_Service that represents the Task Scheduler service. The first element in the command gets all instances of the Win32_service class.

    The pipeline operator (|) passes the result to the Where-Object cmdlet, which selects instances with a value of “Schedule” in the Name property.

    Another pipeline operator sends the result to the Format-List cmdlet, which formats the output as a list with only the Name and Description properties.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 4 ————————–

    C:\PS>Set-Service winrm -Status Running -PassThru -ComputerName Server02

    This command starts the WinRM service on the Server02 computer. The command uses the Status parameter to specify the desired status (“running”) and the PassThru parameter to direct Set-Service to return an object that represents the WinRM service.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 5 ————————–

    C:\PS>Get-Service schedule -ComputerName S1, S2 | Set-Service -Status paused

    This command suspends the Schedule service on the S1 and S2 remote computers. It uses the Get-Service cmdlet to get the service. A pipeline operator (|) sends the service to the Set-Service cmdlet, which changes its status to “Paused”.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 6 ————————–

    C:\PS>$s = Get-Service schedule

    C:\PS> Set-Service -inputobject $s -Status stopped

    These commands stop the Schedule service on the local computer.

    The first command uses the Get-Service cmdlet to get the Schedule service. The command saves the service in the $s Variable.

    The second command uses the Set-Service cmdlet to change the status of the Schedule service to “Stopped”. It uses the InputObject parameter to submit the service stored in the $s Variable, and it uses the Status parameter to specify the desired status.

    Online version:



    Stops and then starts one or more services.

    Restart-Service [-Name] <string[]> [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Force] [-Include <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    Restart-Service -DisplayName <string[]> [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Force] [-Include <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    Restart-Service [-InputObject <ServiceController[]>] [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Force] [-Include <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    The Restart-Service cmdlet sends a stop message and then a start message to the Windows Service Controller for a specified service. If a service was already stopped, it is started without notifying you of an error. You can specify the services by their service names or display names, or you can use the InputObject parameter to pass an object that represents each service that you want to restart.

    -DisplayName <string[]>
        Specifies the display names of services to be restarted. Wildcards are permitted.

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Exclude <string[]>
        Omits the specified services. The value of this parameter qualifies the Name parameter. Enter a name element or pattern, such as “s*”. Wildcards are permitted.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Force [<SwitchParameter>]
        Overrides restrictions that prevent the command from succeeding, just so the changes do not compromise security. For example, Force will stop and restart a service that has dependent services.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Include <string[]>
        Restarts only the specified services. The value of this parameter qualifies the Name parameter. Enter a name element or pattern, such as “s*”. Wildcards are permitted.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -InputObject <ServiceController[]>
        Specifies ServiceController objects that represent the services to be restarted. Enter a Variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     true (ByValue)
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Name <string[]>
        Specifies the service names of the services to be restarted.

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    1
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -PassThru [<SwitchParameter>]
        Returns an object that represents the service. By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]
        Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]
        Describes what would happen if you executed the command without actually executing the command.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
        OutBuffer and OutVariable. For more information, type,
        “Get-Help about_CommonParameters“.

    System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController, System.String
        You can pipe a service object or a string that contains a service name to Restart-Service.

    None or System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController
        When you use the PassThru parameter, Restart-Service generates a System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController object that represents the restarted service. Otherwise, this cmdlet does not generate any output.


        Restart-Service can control services only when the current user has permission to do so. If a command does not work correctly, you might not have the required permissions.

        To find the service names and display names of the services on your system, type “Get-Service“. The service names appears in the Name column, and the display names appear in the DisplayName column.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 1 ————————–

    C:\PS>Restart-Service wmi

    This command restarts the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service on the local computer.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 2 ————————–

    C:\PS>Restart-Service -displayname net* -Exclude “net logon”

    This command restarts the services that have a display name that begins with “Net”, except for the “Net Logon” service.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 3 ————————–

    C:\PS>Get-Service net* | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq “Stopped”} | Restart-Service

    This command starts all of the stopped network services on the computer.

    It uses the Get-Service cmdlet to get objects representing the services whose service name begins with “net”. (The optional Name parameter name is omitted.) The pipeline operator (|) sends the services object to the Where-Object cmdlet, which selects only the services with a status of “stopped.” Another pipeline operator sends the selected services to Restart-Service. In practice, you would use the WhatIf parameter to see the effect of the command before using it.

    Online version:



    Resumes one or more suspended (paused) services.

    Resume-Service [-Name] <string[]> [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Include <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    Resume-Service -DisplayName <string[]> [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Include <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    Resume-Service [-InputObject <ServiceController[]>] [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Include <string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    The Resume-Service cmdlet sends a resume message to the Windows Service Controller for each of the specified services. If they have been suspended, they will resume service. If they are currently running, the message is ignored. You can specify the services by their service names or display names, or you can use the InputObject parameter to pass a service object that represents the services that you want to resume.

    -DisplayName <string[]>
        Specifies the display names of the services to be resumed. Wildcards are permitted.

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Exclude <string[]>
        Omits the specified services. The value of this parameter qualifies the Name parameter. Enter a name element or pattern, such as “s*”. Wildcards are permitted.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Include <string[]>
        Resumes only the specified services. The value of this parameter qualifies the Name parameter. Enter a name element or pattern, such as “s*”. Wildcards are permitted.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -InputObject <ServiceController[]>
        Specifies ServiceController objects representing the services to be resumed. Enter a Variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     true (ByValue)
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Name <string[]>
        Specifies the service names of the services to be resumed.

        The parameter name is optional. You can use “-Name” or its Alias, “-ServiceName”, or you can omit the parameter name.

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    1
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -PassThru [<SwitchParameter>]
        Returns an object representing the service. By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]
        Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]
        Describes what would happen if you executed the command without actually executing the command.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
        OutBuffer and OutVariable. For more information, type,
        “Get-Help about_CommonParameters“.

    System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController or System.String
        You can pipe a service object or a string that contains a service name to Resume-Service.

    None or System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController
        When you use the PassThru parameter, Resume-Service generates a System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController object representing the resumed service. Otherwise, this cmdlet does not generate any output.


        The status of services that have been suspended is “Paused”. When services are resumed, their status is “Running”.

        Resume-Service can control services only when the current user has permission to do so. If a command does not work correctly, you might not have the required permissions.

        To find the service names and display names of the services on your system, type “Get-Service“. The service names appear in the Name column, and the display names appear in the DisplayName column.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 1 ————————–

    C:\PS>Resume-Service sens

    This command resumes the System Event Notification service (the service name is represented in the command by “sens”) on the local computer. The command uses the Name parameter to specify the service name of the service, but the command omits the parameter name because the parameter name is optional.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 2 ————————–

    C:\PS>Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq “Paused”} | Resume-Service

    This command resumes all of the suspended (paused) services on the computer. The first command gets all of the services on the computer. The pipeline operator (|) passes the results to the Where-Object cmdlet, which selects the services with a Status property of “Paused”. The next pipeline operator sends the results to Resume-Service, which resumes the paused services.

    In practice, you would use the WhatIf parameter to determine the effect of the command before running it without WhatIf.

    Online version:



    Creates a new Windows service.

    New-Service [-Name] <string> [-BinaryPathName] <string> [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-DependsOn <string[]>] [-Description <string>] [-DisplayName <string>] [-StartupType {Automatic | Manual | Disabled}] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

    The New-Service cmdlet creates a new entry for a Windows service in the Registry and in the service database. A new service requires an executable file that executes during the service.

    The parameters of this cmdlet let you set the display name, description, startup type, and dependencies of the service.

    -BinaryPathName <string>
        Specifies the path to the executable file for the service. This parameter is required.

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    2
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Credential <PSCredential>
        Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. Type a user name, such as “User01” or “Domain01\User01”. Or, enter a PSCredential object, such as one from the Get-Credential cmdlet. If you type a user name, you will be prompted for a password.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -DependsOn <string[]>
        Specifies the names of other services upon which the new service depends. To enter multiple service names, use a comma to separate the names.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                None
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Description <string>
        Specifies a description of the service.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -DisplayName <string>
        Specifies a display name for the service.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Name <string>
        Specifies the name of the service. This parameter is required.

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    1
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -StartupType <ServiceStartMode>
        Sets the startup type of the service. “Automatic” is the default.

        Valid values are:

        — Manual:     The service is started only manually, by a user (using the Service Control Manager) or by an application.

        — Automatic: The service is to be started (or was started) by the operating system, at system start-up. If an automatically started service depends on a manually started service, the manually started service is also started automatically at system startup.

        — Disabled: The service is disabled and cannot be started by a user or application.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                Automatic
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]
        Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]
        Describes what would happen if you executed the command without actually executing the command.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
        OutBuffer and OutVariable. For more information, type,
        “Get-Help about_CommonParameters“.

        You cannot pipe input to this cmdlet.

        New-Service returns an object that represents the new service.


        To run this cmdlet on Windows Vista and later versions of Windows, start Windows PowerShell with the “Run as administrator” option.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 1 ————————–

    C:\PS>New-Service -Name TestService -BinaryPathName “C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs”

    This command creates a new service named “TestService”.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 2 ————————–

    C:\PS>New-Service -Name TestService -path “C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs” -DependsOn NetLogon -DisplayName “Test Service” -StartupType Manual -Description “This is a test service.”

    This command creates a new service named “TestService”. It uses the parameters of the New-Service cmdlet to specify a description, startup type, and display name for the new service.

    To specify the BinaryPathName parameter, the command uses the Path parameter Alias. You can also use “-bpn”.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 3 ————————–

    C:\PS>Get-WmiObject win32_service -filter “name=’testservice'”

    ExitCode : 0
    Name     : testservice
    ProcessId : 0
    StartMode : Auto
    State     : Stopped
    Status    : OK

    This command uses the Get-WmiObject cmdlet to get the Win32_Service object for the new service. This object includes the start mode and the service description.

    Online version:



    Gets the services on a local or remote computer.

    Get-Service [[-Name] <string[]>] [-ComputerName <string[]>] [-DependentServices] [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Include <string[]>] [-RequiredServices] [<CommonParameters>]

    Get-Service -DisplayName <string[]> [-ComputerName <string[]>] [-DependentServices] [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Include <string[]>] [-RequiredServices] [<CommonParameters>]

    Get-Service [-InputObject <ServiceController[]>] [-ComputerName <string[]>] [-DependentServices] [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Include <string[]>] [-RequiredServices] [<CommonParameters>]

    The Get-Service cmdlet gets objects that represent the services on a local computer or on a remote computer, including running and stopped services.

    You can direct Get-Service to get only particular services by specifying the service name or display name of the services, or you can pipe service objects to Get-Service.

    -ComputerName <string[]>
        Gets the services running on the specified computers. The default is the local computer.

        Type the NetBIOS name, an IP address, or a fully qualified domain name of a remote computer. To specify the local computer, type the computer name, a dot (.), or “localhost”.

        This parameter does not rely on Windows PowerShell remoting. You can use the ComputerName parameter of Get-Service even if your computer is not configured to run remote commands.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                Localhost
        Accept pipeline input?     true (ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -DependentServices [<SwitchParameter>]
        Gets only the services that depend upon the specified service.

        By default, Get-Service gets all services.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                False
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -DisplayName <string[]>
        Specifies the display names of services to be retrieved. Wildcards are permitted. By default, Get-Service gets all services on the computer.

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Exclude <string[]>
        Omits the specified services. The value of this parameter qualifies the Name parameter. Enter a name element or pattern, such as “s*”. Wildcards are permitted.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Include <string[]>
        Retrieves only the specified services. The value of this parameter qualifies the Name parameter. Enter a name element or pattern, such as “s*”. Wildcards are permitted.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -InputObject <ServiceController[]>
        Specifies ServiceController objects representing the services to be retrieved. Enter a Variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects. You can also pipe a service object to Get-Service.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     true (ByValue)
        Accept wildcard characters? false

    -Name <string[]>
        Specifies the service names of services to be retrieved. Wildcards are permitted. By default, Get-Service gets all of the services on the computer.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    1
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?     true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters? true

    -RequiredServices [<SwitchParameter>]
        Gets only the services that this service requires.

        This parameter gets the value of the ServicesDependedOn property of the service. By default, Get-Service gets all services.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                False
        Accept pipeline input?     false
        Accept wildcard characters? false

        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
        OutBuffer and OutVariable. For more information, type,
        “Get-Help about_CommonParameters“.

    System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController, System.String
        You can pipe a service object or a service name to Get-Service.

        Get-Service returns objects that represent the services on the computer.


        You can also refer to Get-Service by its built-in Alias, “gsv”. For more information, see about_aliases.

        Get-Service can display services only when the current user has permission to see them. If Get-Service does not display services, you might not have permission to see them.

        To find the service name and display name of each service on your system, type “Get-Service“. The service names appear in the Name column, and the display names appear in the DisplayName column.

        When you sort in ascending order by status value, “Stopped” services appear before “Running” services. The Status property of a service is an enumerated value in which the names of the statuses represent integer values. The sort is based on the integer value, not the name. “Running” appears before “Stopped” because “Stopped” has a value of “1”, and “Running” has a value of “4”.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 1 ————————–


    This command retrieves all of the services on the system. It behaves as though you typed “Get-Service *”. The default display shows the status, service name, and display name of each service.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 2 ————————–

    C:\PS>Get-Service wmi*

    This command retrieves services with service names that begin with “WMI” (the acronym for Windows Management Instrumentation).

    ————————– EXAMPLE 3 ————————–

    C:\PS>Get-Service -displayname *network*

    This command displays services with a display name that includes the word
    “network”. Searching the display name finds network-related services even when the service name does not include “Net”, such as xmlprov, the Network Provisioning Service.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 4 ————————–

    C:\PS>Get-Service -Name win* -Exclude winrm

    These commands get only the services with service names that begin with “win”, except for the WinRM service.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 5 ————————–

    C:\PS>Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq “Running”}

    This command displays only the services that are currently running. It uses the Get-Service cmdlet to get all of the services on the computer. The pipeline operator (|) passes the results to the Where-Object cmdlet, which selects only the services with a Status property that equals “Running”.

    Status is only one property of service objects. To see all of the properties, type “Get-Service | Get-Member“.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 6 ————————–

    C:\PS>Get-Service -ComputerName Server02

    This command gets the services on the Server02 remote computer.

    Because the ComputerName parameter of Get-Service does not use Windows PowerShell remoting, you can use this parameter even if the computer is not configured for remoting in Windows PowerShell.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 7 ————————–

    C:\PS>Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.DependentServices} | Format-List -property Name, DependentServices, @{Label=”NoOfDependentS
    ervices”; Expression={$_.dependentservices.count}}

    Name                 : AudioEndpointBuilder
    DependentServices     : {AudioSrv}
    NoOfDependentServices : 1

    Name                 : Dhcp
    DependentServices     : {WinHttpAutoProxySvc}
    NoOfDependentServices : 1

    These commands list the services on the computer that have dependent services.

    The first command uses the Get-Service cmdlet to get the services on the computer. A pipeline operator (|) sends the services to the Where-Object cmdlet, which selects the services whose DependentServices property is not null.

    Another pipeline operator sends the results to the Format-List cmdlet. The command uses its Property parameter to display the name of the service, the name of the dependent services, and a calculated property that displays the number of dependent services that each service has.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 8 ————————–

    C:\PS>C:\PS> Get-Service s* | Sort-Object status

    Status Name             DisplayName
    —— —-             ———–
    Stopped stisvc             Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
    Stopped SwPrv             MS Software Shadow Copy Provider
    Stopped SysmonLog         Performance Logs and Alerts
    Running Spooler            Print Spooler
    Running srservice         System Restore Service
    Running SSDPSRV            SSDP Discovery Service
    Running ShellHWDetection Shell Hardware Detection
    Running Schedule         Task Scheduler
    Running SCardSvr         Smart Card
    Running SamSs             Security Accounts Manager
    Running SharedAccess     Windows Firewall/Internet Connectio…
    Running SENS             System Event Notification
    Running seclogon         Secondary Logon

    C:\PS> Get-Service s* | Sort-Object status -descending

    Status Name             DisplayName
    —— —-             ———–
    Running ShellHWDetection Shell Hardware Detection
    Running SharedAccess     Windows Firewall/Internet Connectio…
    Running Spooler            Print Spooler
    Running SSDPSRV            SSDP Discovery Service
    Running srservice         System Restore Service
    Running SCardSvr         Smart Card
    Running SamSs             Security Accounts Manager
    Running Schedule         Task Scheduler
    Running SENS             System Event Notification
    Running seclogon         Secondary Logon
    Stopped SysmonLog         Performance Logs and Alerts
    Stopped SwPrv             MS Software Shadow Copy Provider
    Stopped stisvc             Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

    This command shows that when you sort services in ascending order by the value of their Status property, stopped services appear before running services. This happens because the value of Status is an enumeration, in which “Stopped” has a value of “1”, and “Running” has a value of 4.

    To list running services first, use the Descending parameter of the Sort-Object cmdlet.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 9 ————————–

    C:\PS>Get-Service -Name winrm -ComputerName localhost, Server01, Server02 | Format-Table -property MachineName, Status, Name, DisplayName -auto

    MachineName    Status Name DisplayName
    ———— —— —- ———–
    localhost     Running WinRM Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)
    Server01     Running WinRM Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)
    Server02     Running WinRM Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)

    This command uses the Get-Service cmdlet to run a “Get-Service Winrm” command on two remote computers and the local computer (“localhost”).

    The Get-Service command runs on the remote computers, and the results are returned to the local computer. A pipeline operator (|) sends the results to the Format-Table cmdlet, which formats the services as a table. The Format-Table command uses the Property parameter to specify the properties displayed in the table, including the MachineName property.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 10 ————————–

    C:\PS>Get-Service winrm -RequiredServices

    This command gets the services that the WinRM service requires.

    The command returns the value of the ServicesDependedOn property of the service.

    ————————– EXAMPLE 11 ————————–

    C:\PS>”winrm” | Get-Service

    This command gets the WinRM service on the local computer. This example shows that you can pipe a service name string (enclosed in quotation marks) to Get-Service.

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