

    Describes a language command you can use to traverse all the items in a
    collection of items.

    The Foreach statement (also known as a Foreach loop) is a language
    construct for stepping through (iterating) a series of values in a
    collection of items.

    The simplest and most typical type of collection to traverse is an array.
    Within a Foreach loop, it is common to run one or more commands against
    each item in an array.

     The following shows the Foreach syntax:

         foreach ($<item> in $<collection>){<statement list>}

The Foreach Statement Outside a Command Pipeline
     The part of the Foreach statement enclosed in parenthesis represents a
     Variable and a collection to iterate. Windows PowerShell creates the
     Variable ($<item>) automatically when the Foreach loop runs. Prior to
     each iteration through the loop, the Variable is set to a value in the
     collection. The block following a Foreach statement {<statement list>}
     contains a set of commands to execute against each item in a collection.

     For example, the Foreach loop in the following example displays the
     values in the $letterArray array.

         $letterArray = “a”,”b”,”c”,”d”
         foreach ($letter in $letterArray)
             Write-Host $letter

     In this example, the $letterArray array is created and initialized with
     the string values “a”, “b”, “c”, and “d”. The first time the Foreach
     statement runs, it sets the $letter Variable equal to the first item in
     $letterArray (“a”). Then, it uses the Write-Host cmdlet to display the
     letter a. The next time through the loop, $letter is set to “b”, and so
     on. After the Foreach loop displays the letter d, Windows PowerShell
     exits the loop.

     The entire Foreach statement must appear on a single line to run it as a
     command at the Windows PowerShell command prompt. The entire Foreach
     statement does not have to appear on a single line if you place the
     command in a .ps1 script file instead.

     Foreach statements can also be used together with cmdlets that
     return a collection of items. In the following example, the Foreach
     statement steps through the list of items that is returned by the
     Get-ChildItem cmdlet.

         foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem)
             Write-Host $file

     You can refine the example by using an If statement to limit the results
     that are returned. In the following example, the Foreach statement
     performs the same looping operation as the previous example, but it adds
     an If statement to limit the results to files that are greater than 100
     kilobytes (KB):

         foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem)
             if ($file.length -gt 100k)
                 Write-Host $file

     In this example, the Foreach loop uses a property of the $file Variable
     to perform a comparison operation ($file.length -gt 100k). The $file
     Variable contains all the properties in the object that is returned by
     the Get-ChildItem cmdlet. Therefore, you can return more than just a
     file name. In the next example, Windows PowerShell returns the length and
     the last access time inside the statement list:

         foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem)
             if ($file.length -gt 100k)
                 Write-Host $file
                 Write-Host $file.length
                 Write-Host $file.lastaccesstime

     In this example, you are not limited to running a single command in a
     statement list.

     You can also use a Variable outside a Foreach loop and increment the
     Variable inside the loop. The following example counts files over 100 KB
     in size:

         $i = 0
         foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem)
             if ($file.length -gt 100k)
                 Write-Host $file “file size:” ($file.length /
         1024).ToString(“F0”) KB
                 $i = $i + 1

         if ($i -ne 0)
             Write-Host $i ” file(s) over 100 KB in the current
             Write-Host “No files greater than 100 KB in the current

     In the preceding example, the $i Variable is set to 0 outside the loop,
     and the Variable is incremented inside the loop for each file that is
     found that is larger than 100 KB. When the loop exits, an If statement
     evaluates the value of $i to display a count of all the files over
     100 KB. Or, it displays a message stating that no files over 100 KB were

     The previous example also demonstrates how to format the file length

         ($file.length / 1024).ToString(“F0”)

     The value is divided by 1,024 to show the results in kilobytes rather
     than bytes, and the resulting value is then formatted using the
     fixed-point format specifier to remove any decimal values from the
     result. The 0 makes the format specifier show no decimal places.

The Foreach Statement Inside a Command Pipeline
     When Foreach appears in a command pipeline, Windows PowerShell uses the
     foreach Alias, which calls the ForEach-Object command. When you use
     the foreach Alias in a command pipeline, you do not include
     the ($<item> in $<collection>) syntax as you do with the Foreach
     statement. This is because the prior command in the pipeline provides
     this information. The syntax of the foreach Alias when used in a command
     pipeline is as follows:

         <command> | foreach {<command_block>}

     For example, the Foreach loop in the following command pipeline displays
     any processes whose working set (memory usage) is greater
     than 20 megabytes (MB). Windows PowerShell pipes the output from the
     Get-Process command to the foreach Alias. Inside the foreach Alias
     command block, the $_.WS Variable contains the value of the WS (working
     set) property passed to it by the Get-Process cmdlet. (The $_ portion
     of the declaration is a Windows Script Host [WSH] automatic Variable,
     and the WS portion is a property). The If statement uses a conditional
     statement to determine whether the working set is greater than 20 MB
     (20,000,000 bytes). If so, the name of the process that is stored in
     the $_.name Variable and the working-set size in megabytes are displayed.
     If no process working set is over 20 MB, nothing is displayed.

         Write-Host “Processes with working-sets greater than 20 MB”
         Get-Process | foreach {
             if ($_.WS -gt 20m)
                 Write-Host $_.name “: ”
         ($_.WS/1m).ToString(“F0”) MB -Separator “”

     The foreach Alias also supports beginning command blocks, middle command
     blocks, and end command blocks. The beginning and end command blocks run
     once, and the middle command block runs every time the Foreach loop steps
     through a collection or array.

     The syntax of the foreach Alias when used in a command pipeline with a
     beginning, middle, and ending set of command blocks is as follows:

         <command> | foreach {<beginning command_block>}{<middle
         command_block>}{<ending command_block>}

     The following example demonstrates the use of the beginning, middle, and
     end command blocks.

         Get-ChildItem | foreach {
         $fileCount = $directoryCount = 0}{
         if ($_.PsIsContainer) {$directoryCount++} else {$fileCount++}}{
         “$directoryCount directories and $fileCount files”}

     The beginning block creates and initializes two Variables to 0:

         {$fileCount = $directoryCount = 0}

     The middle block evaluates whether each item returned by Get-ChildItem
     is a directory or a file:

         {if ($_.PsIsContainer) {$directoryCount++} else {$fileCount++}}

     If the item that is returned is a directory, the $directoryCount
     Variable is incremented by 1. If the item is not a directory,
     the $fileCount Variable is incremented by 1. The ending block runs after
     the middle block completes its looping operation and then returns the
     results of the operation:

         {“$directoryCount directories and $fileCount files”}

     By using the beginning, middle, and ending command block structure and
     the pipeline operator, you can rewrite the earlier example to find any
     files that are greater than 100 KB, as follows:

         Get-ChildItem | foreach{
             $i = 0}{
             if ($_.length -gt 100k)
                 Write-Host $_.name “file size:” ($_.length /
         1024).ToString(“F0”) KB
             if ($i -ne 0)
                 Write-Host “$i file(s) over 100 KB in the current
             Write-Host “No files greater than 100 KB in the current
